Art is expressive of many things and the intent or purpose of it differes with each piece. I visited the ‘Salles de Exposition’ at the ‘Academie des Beaux Artes’ yesterday. It was so different from my previous visits to the ‘Academie des Beaux Artes’. Before I had only viewed the artwork that is outside in their gardens, the work of the students at the academy. Yesterday, I visited the ‘Salles
de Exposition’ which are only open during the week, not on Sundays which is when I have visited the ‘Academie’.
There is an immediate difference between the art that is outside on the grounds and in the garden from the art that is in the exposition. It is for me the difference between public and private, at home and outside the house.
Before I wrote about the tortured souls on display on the grounds of the ‘Academie’. I witnessed artistic expressions of abuse, war, torture, starvation, death and also some expressions of love, family, parenting. But more often I saw the reality of the worst experiences in Congo, in Africa reflected in the art. I mused that that is because outside the home is a place for monuments, monuments to something public that must or should be shared. People often need or want
reminders of some shared experience so it is not forgotten.
In the ‘Salle de Exposition’, the art was more majestic in that I only saw art that reflected expressions of love, strength, hope, faith, tenderness. The sculptures were soft, smooth, modern and some classical, the paintings were vibrant and colourful, all of it was beautiful pieces of art one would want in one’s home. (More descriptions – something that struck me).
It was so very good for me to visit the art gallery. I mused that this kind of art, art intended for the home or office, some place somewhat private, should make you feel good, is intended to make you feel good. One purchases art, I think, to feel something good because at home you want to feel good, hope, beauty, strength, faith.
de Exposition’ which are only open during the week, not on Sundays which is when I have visited the ‘Academie’.
There is an immediate difference between the art that is outside on the grounds and in the garden from the art that is in the exposition. It is for me the difference between public and private, at home and outside the house.
Before I wrote about the tortured souls on display on the grounds of the ‘Academie’. I witnessed artistic expressions of abuse, war, torture, starvation, death and also some expressions of love, family, parenting. But more often I saw the reality of the worst experiences in Congo, in Africa reflected in the art. I mused that that is because outside the home is a place for monuments, monuments to something public that must or should be shared. People often need or want
reminders of some shared experience so it is not forgotten.
In the ‘Salle de Exposition’, the art was more majestic in that I only saw art that reflected expressions of love, strength, hope, faith, tenderness. The sculptures were soft, smooth, modern and some classical, the paintings were vibrant and colourful, all of it was beautiful pieces of art one would want in one’s home. (More descriptions – something that struck me).
It was so very good for me to visit the art gallery. I mused that this kind of art, art intended for the home or office, some place somewhat private, should make you feel good, is intended to make you feel good. One purchases art, I think, to feel something good because at home you want to feel good, hope, beauty, strength, faith.
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